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仙思国际物流(上海)有限公司是经中华人民共和国商务部备案登记的国际货运代理企业,拥有中国航空运输协会颁发的一级航空货运销售代理人资质。总部设 立在上海。   公司凭着优质的服务、良好的信誉、优势的价格、舱位的保证及丰富的操作经验,并一直以来秉承“以客为尊”的宗旨,为客户提供专业、合理、高效的个性化 物流解决方案,赢得了客户的一致认可。 SENCE International logistics CO.LTD. was established in Shanghai. It''''''''''''''''s an international freight forwarding enterprise that has been approved by the Ministry of Commerce of the People''''''''''''''''s Republic of China. It has also obtained the approval Certification and License from Civil Aviation Administration of China, thus can directly deal with airlines: - Cargo agent of airlines - Directly book space with airlines - Directly rate negotiation with airlines - Sign contract / agreement / space allocation with airlines Adhering to the “Customer-Oriented” theme, we provide professional、reasonable、 efficient and personalized logistics solutions with good customer service、good reputation、competitive price and above all ensuring space and rich operating experience.



  • 联 系 人:孟繁松
  • 联系电话:86-021-80121277
  • 传  真:暂无信息
  • 手  机:暂无信息
  • 联系地址:长宁区延安西路1228弄嘉利大厦2号15B


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